
Club Rules - Management of Executive Committee

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  1. The management of the affairs and concerns of the club shall vest in a committee called the Committee of the Club which shall consist of a President , a Vice-President, an Honorary Secretary, a  Joint Secretary, six other elected members and such other members co-opted in pursuance of Rule-11
  2. The Committee shall hold a Meeting at least once in a month.
  3. If any Member of the Committee is absent from three successive meetings of the Committee without adequate reasons, the Member present may remove such a Member from the Committee. The decision of the Committee in this regard shall be final and binding.
  4. Any vacancy occurs in the   Committee Membership, the others officers of the Committee and the co-opted Members of the Committee shall be filled by the Committee by any eligible Member of the Club.                                                                                                                 PROVIDED that the Joint Secretary shall exercise all the powers of the Honorary Secretary during latter’s absence from Sambalpur and he shall perform others duties as the Committee may entrust.                                                                                                                      PROVIDED that Members who have not paid all their dues including the dues against whom there are written and oral complaints or the President of the Club has his own information of any of the acts or who is subject matter of notice for Extraordinary General Meeting shall not be co-opted as Members of the Committee.
  5. The Honorary Secretary have the power to convene the Committee meeting by giving seven days’ notice along with agenda for discussion. Items not in the Agenda can be discussed by the permission of the Chair.                                                                                                                                                                                        PROVIDED that the Committee meetings’ will not be invalidated for the reason that adequate notice was not given or items in the agenda for discussions were not circulated.                                       PROVIDED FURTHER that the Secretary shall cause to be put on the Notice Board of the Club within seven days of the days of the date of meeting of the Committee all decisions taken resolution passed in the said meeting except matters, which in the opinion of the President of the Club, is likely to be unwarranted intrusion into the privacy of the Member or is likely to lead to a liable suit by any Member against the Club. The decision of the President of the Club in this regard is final.                      
  6. One third of the total memberships of the Committee reduced by vacancies, if any, shall form the quorum at any meeting of the Committee. Each Member of the Committee shall have one vote and in the event of an equality of votes the chairman of the Meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to his own vote.                                                                                                                                                                      The President of the Club shall be the Chairman of the Committee Meetings. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall be the Chairman of the Committee Meeting and in the absence of the President and Vice-President; the Members of the Committee present shall elect a chairman from among them.
  7. No Resolution shall be deemed to have been duly passed by the Committee or Committee thereof by circulation unless the resolution has been circulated in draft, together with the necessary papers if any, to all the members of the Committee (not being less in number than the quorum fixed for a meeting of Committee as the case may be and all other members of the Committee at their usual address) and has been approved by majority of such if them, and are entitled to vote on the resolution.
  8.  Minutes of the Meetings shall be kept in a permanent Register.
  9. The Members of the Committee may be entrusted with specific assignment by the Committee including that of Treasurer.